Hedge School | Summer Programme 2022


The Trailblazery presents

"This Place We Call Home"

an online
Hedge School Summer Programme Clár Samhradh 

Sundays, May 1 (Bealtaine), June 19 (Summer Solstice), July 31 (Lughnasa), 2022

7pm Irish Time | 2pm EST | 11am PST

Dear Friends, 

You are warmly invited to This Place We Call Home, a cultural immersion to celebrate the festivals of Bealtaine, Summer Solstice and Lughnasa - the Summer Season of the ancient Wheel of the Year. This is a time to mark the transition from winter to summer, from the dark to the bright half of the year. This portal ushers in the sensorial season of blossoming, aliveness, fullness, risk and opening inside and out.

“We can come home again and participate in our world in a richer, more responsible and poignantly beautiful way than before”

- Joanna Macy

We are gathering a host of creative minds and hearts {artists, scientists, writers, musicians, activists and educators} to join in a series of exchanges that connect Art & Activism, Culture & Climate, Entanglement & Extinction, Interconnection & Interbeing and the interrelated spaces that forge kinship between the human and more than human world.

Our inspiring panel of guides and musicians include Lucy O’ Hagan {Ancestral skills Teacher, Ethnobotanist & Wildlife tracker}, Ziggy Alberts {Australian singer, songwriter, poet}, Kerri ní Dochartaigh {Writer, Nature Lover}, Katie Holten {artist, activist, author and creator of The Irish Tree Alphabet} and Caimin Gilmore {Musician, composer, instrumentalist}, with more announcements coming soon.

Tickets are now available on our website.
You can join our upcoming Bealtaine session with Lucy O’Hagan and Ziggy Alberts for €33, or purchase a Season Ticket for all three of our Summer sessions for €88.

Bí in éineacht linn - be with us.


Kathy and all at The Trailblazery

Kat Scott