***Announcing SOLSTICE - a rewilding adventure in the heart of the Dublin Mountains

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We can come home again -- and participate in our world in a richer, more responsible and poignantly beautiful way than before”.


Joanna Macy, The Great Turnin

Much of Celtic Spiritual tradition is linked with the sun, the moon and the season of the year. As we move with the rhythms of nature we can see the sunlight illuminate the green leaves , smell the fragrance of new blossoms, hear the pulse of aliveness in the air and feel the sap rising in our cells. Welcome to Bealtaine - a feast for the senses.

The Bealtaine Festival celebrates the “rekindling” of the sun and a switch to longer days and shorter nights, a time of fertility, abundance and warmth. This portal marks the beginning of summer in the ancient Celtic calendar and is a Cross Quarter Day, half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. The sun reaches its zenith at Midsummer on June 21. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and is a time when ancestors would have  gathered around fires and celebrated with wild abandon.

The Summer Solstice is a time for wildness, fecundity, sensuality and pleasure. So, as ancestors-in-training we have decided to celebrate the Summer Solstice by hosting a rewilding adventure for women and men in the heart of the Dublin Mountains.

About Solstice

Solstice is a one-day cultural immersion weaving human connection with nature, conversation, movement, music, crafting, food, meditation, ritual, ceremony and other creative workshops and experiences. This rewilding experience for men and women is set in an Irish country mansion with a fabled history on an 100 acre estate with panoramic views of Dublin City, Howth Head and the Irish Sea.

Solstice is designed to re-kindle our connection to our untamed nature. This adventure exists somewhere between a holistic retreat in the wilderness and an uncivilised summer school. You will be guided through a potent combination of sacred and evolutionary practices, conversations and experiences with some of Ireland’s leading wisdom keepers and blazers of trails.

Sometimes we forget that the universe is alive and that we are an integral part of that aliveness. Solstice is a homecoming designed to celebrate the Celtic midsummer festival in the same tradition as our ancestors have throughout the ages. We are gathering together to share a sense of belonging and participation with our wild selves and the wild world that nourishes us. If you are longing for a call to adventure to celebrate the Summer Solstice and reclaim you wild soul then this is for you.

 Rewilding Experiences in store for you

·       Yoga and Movement Sessions

·       WildCrafting Workshops

·       Earth Medicine Practices

·       Conversation + Storysharing

·       Sound Baths

·       Labyrinth Walks

·       Live Music Performance

·       Fire Ceremony Ritual

·       Acoustic Meditation

·       Communal Supper with delicious food from our friends at The Fumbally.

Event Detail

Date: Saturday June 22

Time : 12midday to 10pm

Ticket Pricing

·       Early Bird €130 {runs to May 12}

·       Tier 2 €140 {runs to May 31}

·       Final Tier €150

*Your ticket price includes sit down supper from our friends at The Fumbally

You can book your tickets here

Moon Medicine 

Our next Moon Medicine gathering takes place on Saturday May 18. We have found a beautiful home by the sea at St. Anthony’s Hall in Clontarf. (R)evolution will be  hosted by Kathy Scott with guest luminary Lian Bell | Waking the Feminists and all the way from Berlin our creatrixes-in-residences Nina Hynes | Artist and Musician and Dee Mulrooney | Artist and Women’s Sacred Circle Holder. Our Full Moon May gathering weaves a range of potent practices and teachings with live music, soundscapes, performance and ritual. You will meet Growler. She wants to hear your stories...

We really hope you can join us and bring your sisters, mothers, daughters, grandmothers and girlfriends. To book your spot simply click here.

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Moon Medicine is a monthly mystery gathering for women that illuminates the magical gifts of the Moon. This is a special invitation for women who are ready to harness their inner power and reclaim their wild feminine nature. In a world where women can feel increasingly disconnected from their inner selves and the world around them, Moon Medicine offers a path to reconnection. Guided by the natural rhythm of the Moon you will learn how to activate the creative life force of the empowered feminine  and shape your destiny.


Wishing a beautiful Bealtaine Season to you all

We look forward to blazing bright and beautiful trails with you in the near future.


Kathy xox

PS: To receive your copy of A Trailblazer's Guide to the Universe click here


