Announcing our Hedge School Winter Spiral - Remembering our way home
“During the dark night there is no choice but to surrender control, give in to unknowing, and stop and listen to whatever signals of wisdom might come along. It’s a time of enforced retreat and perhaps unwilling withdrawal. The dark night is more than a learning experience; it’s a profound initiation into a realm that nothing in the culture, so preoccupied with external concerns and material success, prepares you for. ”
Dear Friends
As we edge our way towards the darkness here in the Northern Hemisphere we are delighted to announce our Hedge School Winter Series - Remembering our Way Home.
Winter is coming and our next Hedge School series responds to Samhain - The Celtic New Year and season of death and renewal. This is a time when the veil is thin. As we slip into the darkness we remember the Ancestors, the Otherworld and our collective place in a world grappling with a dark night of the soul.
Hedge School is a virtual homeschool rooted in Ireland that invites people around the world on a collective learning experience to find our shared humanity and resource our possibility as global citizens.
Hedge School taps into a universal human need for authentic connection and belonging – an Irish drumbeat with a global resonance. Our mission is to gather people to reflect on the important questions facing us today as ancestors-in-training.
Our Hedge School curriculum aligns with the touch points of the Celtic Calendar and Wheel of the Year. Every Hedge School spiral offers an enriching learning experience and a range of transformational tools, techniques to resource participants for the times we are living in.
Our Early Bird offer is now open
closes at midnight on Friday October 23rd
Our focus for our Hedge School Winter Series is on Belonging: Ancestral Lineage, Cultural Memory and Collective Trauma Restoration. We will explore these themes from Irish and global perspectives as one of the burning issues on our world stage right now.
Spiral 4 starts in Ireland with Dolores Whelan {Educator, Author, Guide within the spiritual and mythological tradition of Ireland} and Mari Kennedy {The Celtic Wheel Founder, Facilitator and Teacher} both globally acclaimed as wisdom holders and teachers of the Celtic and pre-Celtic traditions who will share the Gifts and Wisdom of the Celtic Tradition for these uncertain times.They will be joined by the great Iarla Ó Lionáird {Musician, Singer, Producer}, member of The Gloaming and master of the traditional sean-nós style.
Then we travel across the Atlantic to East Coast America to meet Thomas Moore {best selling author of Care of the Soul, Dark Nights of the Soul and 25 other books on spirituality and depth psychology, former monk, international lecturer and psychotherapist} and his daughter Siobhán Moore{ otherwise known as Ajeet Kaur internationally acclaimed music artist in the sacred traditions of Ireland, India, and other world folk traditions}. Together they will share music, stories and ancient traditions as potent rituals for the times we live in.
Our final destination is Canada to meet Toka-pa Turner {acclaimed writer, teacher, mtyhologist and dreamworker }. She has been described as “a voice of beauty and necessity in a troubled world” and her acclaimed book Belonging : Remembering Ourselves Home explores the themes of exile and the search for belonging in our world today. She will be joined by Leah Song {US singer-songwriter, multi-instrumental musician, storyteller, poet, and activist known her role as front woman in Rising Appalachia}.
We believe that Hedge School should be available to people from all walks of life especially in our current circumstances so we have created a range of sliding scale payment options including full and partial scholarships for people who needs support. Sliding scales are a tool of economic justice.
We ask that people who have the means to pay at the top of the scale do so, supporting others, for whom cost may be a barrier, to have the opportunity to participate in Hedge School.
Registration fees range from €175 Early Bird to Full Scholarship.
We look forward to blazing trails with you.
until soon
Kathy xo
artwork @moonjube