Celebrating Imbolc, the Celtic goddess Brigid and Moon Medicine at The Rotunda Hospital

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Dear Friends

Today we enter the portal of Imbolc, the cross-quarter celebration marking the mid-point of our journey from the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox. The word Imbolc means literally "in the belly", or "first milk" in the old Irish Neolithic language, referring to the pregnancy of ewes. It is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring. Imbolc marks the Quickening. Sap surges and flows and new life beckons. Are you ready?

In Ireland we honour the ‘Triple Goddess’ Brigid as the spirit of Imbolc. She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. Her symbol is a cauldron. Brigid inspires fertility of land, livestock, and women and is invoked for protection in childbirth and agriculture. She is said to be present at every birth, blessing midwives in their work, and protecting all children, especially infants.

Moon Medicine February Gathering

We are super delighted to announce that our next Moon Medicine gathering takes place on February 18 at The Pillar Room of The Rotunda Hospital where we will explore this magical portal of Imbolc and honour our Irish heroine lineage from Brigid {Patroness of Babies, Children and Midwives} to Constance Markievicz {Revolutionary, Suffragette and Advocate for Women and Workers}. The Countess was laid out to rest in The Pillar Room room in 1927 while ranks of the Fianna boys she had introduced the use of arms, stood to attention by her coffin, draped with the tricolour, for two days and nights as more than 100,000 people filed past.

Dress suitably in short skirts and sitting boots,

leave your jewels and gold wands in the bank,

and buy a revolver.."

Countess Markievicz

- advice to female rebels thinking of taking up arms in 1916.

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Imbolc is a time related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. This a good time to focus on divination and increasing our own magical gifts and abilities. We will learn how to midwife the birth of new ways of being in our lives at the oldest continuously operating maternity hospital in the world. We will be offering a special rate for doulas and midwifes for this gathering.

Every Moon Medicine gathering weaves together feminine practices from the yoga and wisdom traditions with live music and stellar teachings from a council of guest luminaries. On Feb 18 we will be joined by Karen Ward | Founder of Moon Mná, Therapist and Medicine Woman. She co-rediscovered the Brigid's Way Celtic Pilgrimage and she is guided in all she does by this quintessential feisty Irish Goddess. We look forward to welcoming you all to this magnificent space to practice, share and celebrate the gifts of this Full Snow Super Moon together. For more information and to book your spot click here

Creative Mentorship Programme

In other news I have 3 spaces opening up on my Creative Mentorship Programme which has been fully subscribed since I launched in July last year. My mission is to support you to activate your trailblazing enterprise and elevate it to full expression and the next level of impact. I have been working with coaches, creatives, entrepreneurs, cultural leaders, writers and visionaries from all walks of life and all over the world. If you are looking to make some big changes in your creative life or have a brilliant idea that you are ready to progress, this programme is made for you. I have designed and developed a comprehensive roadmap that supports you to tap into the deepest wisdom within you and reach the highest levels of your creative potential. This Creative Mentorship package is a three month commitment involving 8 sessions with homework and resources supplied between meetings. Sessions take place in person or online. *The current offer of €850 is available until March 01 2019.

For more information click here or get in touch at hello@thetrailblazery.com

Beannachtaí na Féile Bríde oraibh go léir

With love

Kathy & all at The Trailblazery 


