Taking care of ourselves, each other and this place we call home


A collective crisis needs a collective response. This is a chance to find alternative ways to think, feel and act. While a crisis such as this can uncover collective traumas, it can also reawaken the resilience that has been transmitted to us by our ancestors who have survived crises in the past. If we focus on building meaningful relational networks at this time, we'll create an intelligent feedback loop that increases our cultural resilience.

Thomas Hübl

Dear Friends

We are living in unprecedented and challenging times and we are all in this together. As Alice Walker says ‘we are the ones we have been waiting for’. We are being urged to stay at home in Ireland ( a first for St.Patrick’s Day) and as I write these words I am aware that some of you have been in lock down and others are waiting…

This global situation reveals the fragility of our world and it also reveals the power of our interconnectedness as a human species. So, how we can we remain related and open-hearted in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic? How can we meet and take care of all the parts of us that are calling for attention as individuals and as a global collective?

At The Trailblazery we are committed to finding ways right now to serve our mission online so that we can mind each other and share resources and practices that will support us in these times together. So for starters, I have included a video below with one of my teachers Thomas Hübl in conversation with Terry Patten about remaining Related and Resilient during this #Coronavirus Crisis. And this beautiful poem Lockdown from one of our dear Trailblazery allumni Brother Richard Hendrick

They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
You can hear the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
The sky is no longer thick with fumes
But blue and grey and clear.
They say that in the streets of Assisi
People are singing to each other
across the empty squares,
keeping their windows open
so that those who are alone
may hear the sounds of family around them.

For those of you sheltering at home remember as Seth Godin says in his blog this morning

Social distancing helps keep the virus from infecting others at the same time that it flattens the curve of the spread of the pandemic, giving health facilities a chance to provide care over time. Public health is efficient, a culture changer and a commitment. Thank you to every public health worker and medical professional who is on the front lines right now. We’re grateful for a lifetime of sacrifices and commitment.

And although we may be social distancing we do not have to isolate. We have so many ways to connect with each other right now and I am so appreciative of the technology and platforms that are available at these crucial times. At the weekend we held a spontaneous call with our Global Academy to check in with our members and it was so powerful to sit with women all over the world and support each other.

I recently wrote a piece for RTE Culture about finding my sense of purpose amidst crisis and how our mission at The Trailblazery to ‘creatively activate the spirit of our times’ which you can read here. So we will be in touch with you to announce some online experiences that we are curating for these extraordinary times.

As we approach the Spring Equinox I also want to share some details on my Creative Mentorship Programme special offer. Spring is a great cue from the natural world to awaken and become visible. We are invited to become aware of the energy that needs to bud, burst and bloom through us. This is the perfect time to clarify your destiny, purpose and creative mission in the world. And again due to the benefits of technology we can work together online. We have created a limited special Spring Awakening Offer at The Trailblazery for my programme.

This 15% discount is open until March 20 2020 -  The Spring Equinox. You can read all about it below.

Spring Awakening Creative Mentorship Offer 

This season’s incoming effervescence titillates the senses and heralds the earth’s renewal. Nature inspires us to follow suit. With a call to be courageous above all else, Spring urges us to discover who we are by taking on appropriate challenges that reveal our resilience and our creative brilliance.  

Chani Nicholas

2020 is calling us to rise up and express our creative life force with heart centered values and aligned action. The world needs us to show up creatively as leaders in service.

The Cue of the wild

We are seasonal beings that live with in a great pattern of wild rhythms and cycles. The Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere marks a time when what was concealed now begins to be revealed. What was hidden potential now becomes a promise. The vibratory hum and creative force of life makes itself manifest before our very eyes. Are you ready to follow the cue of the wild?

One of my greatest passions is to guide committed clients to remember who they are and what they came here to give. I have designed a Creative Mentorship Programme as a Rite of Passage that will help you to navigate the intersection of your inner creative process and outer creative expression. I have worked with hundreds of creative entrepreneurs and have a track record in developing strategies that will nurture and leverage your creative capacity at home and in the marketplace.  We have created a limited special Spring Awakening Offer at The Trailblazery for my Creative Mentorship Programme. This 15% discount is open until March 20 2020 -  The Spring Equinox. 

Creative Mentorship Programme copy.jpg

This mentorship programme will  help you to

◦  Meet the initiations, trials and thresholds of life with skill and fluency
◦  Cultivate deeper developmental awareness, intuition and capacity
◦  Regulate your nervous system so there is space to pause, breathe and integrate
◦  Welcome all the parts of you as necessary at this time when your full presence is needed most.
◦  Step into your service as a creative leader and offer your unique contribution to this place we call home.

This is deeply transformational personal work that exists for the purpose of supporting you to be of greater creative service to yourself, your community and the world around you. If you’re feeling something inside you that is curious, excited, or resistant, there may be an opportunity to tune in and see what lies beneath. If you’re heartfelt about taking action in your life and want to sign up to set up a free introductory call then click here

Blessings to you all.

We look forward to blazing bright trails with you in the near future.


Kathy xox

PS: To receive your copy of A Trailblazer's Guide to the Universe click here