Scoil scairte beo | hedge school live
with Kathy Scott, Daniel Burns, Annemarie Ní Churreáin, Seosamh Mac Seoin & Ceara Conway
Wednesday, Dec 04
5pm Eastern Time
You are warmly invited to join our FREE online Hedge School Discovery Circle in collaboration with Canada Ireland Foundation. This special session will trace the shared histories and close bonds that connect Ireland to Canada, nurturing our mutual relationships and deepening our interconnection with Irish culture, heritage and language.
This is an invitation for people who are curious about Irish heritage and feel called to authentically connect with their cultural roots as ancestors-in-training.
This free gathering offers an opportunity to discover, taste and experience the cultural offerings we create at The Hedge School. Join our faculty Kathy Scott (Host, Founder of The Trailblazery), Daniel Burns (Founding Director of Canada Ireland Foundation), Annemarie Ní Churreáin (Poet & Editor) and Seosamh Mac Seoin (Actor, Model, Múinteoir) with music by Ceara Conway (Vocal & Visual Artist).
The Hedge School is an award-winning cultural learning experience rooted in Ireland that weaves heritage, language, creativity, wisdom and community with individual, social and ecological wellbeing. This is a global learning community where people can find, share and generate culture, kinship, ideas, practices and resources that connect inner transformation with outer change. The Canada Ireland Foundation is dedicated to celebrating the story of the Irish in Canada and fosters collaboration and engagement between the people of Ireland, the Irish Diaspora in Canada and the many diverse cultures that enrich both communities.
In Irish the phrase Fite Fuaite means intertwined or interwoven. The story between Ireland and Canada weaves a wide web of interrelationships. These relations span shared historical, political, social and cultural expressions that continue to influence the lives of millions of people today. The desire to form bonds, and create affinity with others comes from deep within the Irish psyche. The Irish kin system was the fabric of social structure in Ireland from the ancient tribal ages through to modern times. These common bonds can be traced in our shared culture - language & heritage, mythos & music, stories & songs.
what people are saying about hedge school

The Hedge School creates (un)learning experiences that rewild the imagination, open the heart, and spark the soul. An Irish drumbeat with a global resonance, we invite people around the world to find our shared connection and resource our possibility as local and global citizens in uncertain times of chaos and complexity.
If you would like to learn more about this event and others like it, please register your interest here to stay up to date with The Hedge School.
The Canada Ireland Foundation is dedicated to celebrating the story of the Irish in Canada and fosters collaboration and engagement between the people of Ireland, the Irish Diaspora in Canada and the many diverse cultures that enrich both communities.
If you’re feeling something inside you that is curious, excited, resonant or resistant ~ you are in the right place. If you’re heartfelt about taking action in your relationship with Irish culture and want to sign up, simply click the button below to receive this online {Zoom} workshop:
Hedge School is a virtual homeschool rooted in Ireland that invites people around the world on a collective learning experience to find our shared humanity and resource our possibility as global citizens. Hedge School is an Irish drum beat with a global resonance. Back in the 1700’s, Irish education was outlawed and the process of learning took to the land. Hedge Schools gathered wherever people could find shelter; along hedgerows, fields, mountains, by rivers and under the stars. Out at these wild edges, our culture was kept alive...