Crossing a threshold - welcoming 2021
“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine -
- Through the shelter of each other, people survive”
Dear Friends
Greetings to you all as we transition from the epic odyssey that was 2020 and into the wild beyond.
It was in the some ways the worst of times and the best of times. At The Trailblazery we have travelled together through rough terrain and also explored new possibilities as resilient ancestors- in- training.
We will celebrate our 10th birthday later in 2021. We were born in a crucible moment - a time of great global crisis and have spent the last decade making creative projects as a response to the crucible moments of our time.
As one world dies and another waits to be born we are committed to our mission of nudging humanity forward. This is the time to decolonise our imagination and dream with eyes wide open. We know that we are the ones we have been waiting for
Looking back with 2020 vision
We have so much to be grateful for at The Trailblazery.
We expanded our Moon Medicine Circle to include powerful women from all over the world and initiated our year-long training programme at the Moon Medicine Academy.
When Covid19 arrived in our world we created an online learning community Hedge School – dedicated to finding our shared humanity and exploring the spirit of our times. The Hedge School is a place of shelter, belonging and connection for like hearted global citizens. It sounds an Irish drumbeat with a global resonance.
Out of the blue we received an extraordinary accolade from our President Michael D. Higgins which inspired us to keep on going…
Crossing a threshold
As we prepare to step into another year of uncertainty I know for sure that this last year would not have been possible without the support and good will of many brilliant humans
I want to thank our allies at The Trailblazery – Mary McCann, Joan Mulvihill, Julie Doyle, Tom Lawlor, Laura Costello, Kate Hynes, Emma Kate Butler, Lydia Campbell, Cyntha Gonzalez, Maria Scordialos, Vanessa Reid, Elena Brower, Jenny Ferry, Robin Kavanagh, Fidan Huseyni, Ayesha Ophelia, Victoria McCormack, Shane Serrano, Luke Byrne and everyone who has helped to steer this ship with me.
I want to thank our inspiring global family of artists, luminaries, guides and blazers-of-trails for sharing your gifts with us.
And to you our ‘beloved community’ - thank you for exploring with us and helping us to nudge humanity forward.
May the force be with us…
With heart