Announcing our special FREE Hedge School Winter Solstice Dreamtime Event on Dec 20.
“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath
Dear Friends
As the Great Wheel turns we feel pulled to pause and remember the year we have travelled through. The Winter Solstice is a potent time to welcome the new light and life born out of the womb of winter. So we are opening up the doors of the Hedge School and inviting wisdom keepers from around the world to join us by the fireside and share a gift in the form of a story, song, poem and other dreamtime medicine with us. This special event is a collaboration with our friends at Rising Appalachia {American folk music group led by multi-instrumentalist sisters Leah Song and Chloe Smith who forge connections with activists and ancestors, one community at a time} with a host of guests including Woman Stands Shining, Patricia McCabe {mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international speaker} of the Diné (Navajo) Nation with extraordinary links to Ireland. Dr Billy Mag Fhloinn, {folklorist, archivist and artist}
The Winter Solstice marks the still point of the sun before the turning point when the light returns. This is a threshold moment so as the earth sleeps and the animals hibernate we will gather at the Hedge School to remember the gifts and challenges of 2020 and welcome the return of new light and new life. This season is a potent teacher of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. In Ireland great monuments which were built to acknowledge this time like the ancient Neolithic passage tomb at Newgrange, where the 5000 year-old dark empty chamber is penetrated by the light from the rising sun on the morning of the Winter Solstice. This is a time when a new light is born out of the womb of winter.
“If you relive the myth at this time you tend to forget your profane condition - the habituations and narrowing of everyday life- and enter for a while into a much larger universe , a larger and truer ecology of being”
The moment of Solstice is a turning point that provides possibility for great change and transformation. This seasonal pivot has a natural power we can all harness as ancestors-in-training . We look forward to welcoming you for this special dreamtime event to honour some of the ancient indigenous practices in our native Celtic tradition and explore other ways of finding meaning, connection and belonging in these extraordinary times.
Also Rising Appalachia have offered a very special gift to all at The Trailblazery so we can offer you a special discount code for their first and only full band livestream of 2020 Live from Echo Mountain Studios, Asheville NC on December 15 2020.
5:30pm ET - Meet and Greet with full band,
8:00pm ET - Concert begins
“This year, we have stretched into quite a unique and different way of sharing our art with the world by being a part of countless online summits, transformational events, meetings of the mind, strategy sessions, and collaborative music shares. Without having to physically travel, we truly feel we have widened our circles and cross pollinated with a huge diverse group of people. Thus, we invite you to our only 2020 concert.... as a thank you for the work you are doing in the world and in your own spheres. As a way to connect with your family and soak in some harmonics and songs to uplift the spirit. Music is our eternal offering. Join us and our global family for a night of serenade..”
Discount code- "FriendsofRA" ( 30% off) Ticket and event link:
Seasons Greetings
We look forward to blazing trails with you in the near future.
until soon
Kathy xo