☾✩☽ September 2023 MML Intel ☾✩☽

☾✩☽ Guest Luminary ☾✩☽

Jen Murphy is the award-winning founder of the Celtic School of Embodiment. An anthropologist and mythologist by background, Jen is a cultural dreamer whose work is dedicated to evolving the Irish mythic feminine through scholarship, the body, and the arts, in service to these times. Jen offers transformational programmes for women, to reactivate the light of foresight or Imbas Forosnai in their body so they can remember who they truly are.

 ☾✩☽  Astrological Resources ☾✩☽

Here is a selection of some of our favourite Astrologers you can tune into across 2023.

↠ Blue Rose School https://www.andrewsmith.ie/introduction/

↠ Mystic Mamma https://www.mysticmamma.com/astral-insights/

↠ Chani Nicholas https://chaninicholas.com/about-chani-nicholas/

↠ Virginia Rosenberg https://virginiarosenberg.com/about-virginia

↠ Lorna Bevan https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk/lorna-bevan

↠ Paramatma Siri Sadhana https://spaceweathertransmissions.com/paramatma

Matthew Stelzner https://www.youtube.com/channel/

↠ Jennifer Racioppi https://jenniferracioppi.com/  

☾✩☽ Other Recommended Resources ☾✩☽

↠ Jen’s website here

↠ Jen’s IG here

☾✩☽ Cosmic Intel + Teachings ☾✩☽

The Harvest Moon is one of the most familiar Moon names and refers to the nearest full moon to the autumnal equinox. The light of this Harvest Moon enables farmers to work late into the night, helping them to bring in the crops from the fields.

·       Autumn Moon (Cree)

·       Falling Leaves Moon (Ojibwe)

·       Leaves Turning Moon (Anishinaabe)

·       Moon of Brown Leaves (Lakota)

·       Yellow Leaf Moon (Assiniboine)

How does the full moon affect us?

Psychologically speaking, Full Moons tend to bring forward hidden aspects of our subconscious. Our lives are “lit up.” Emotions may run high. At this Full Moon, the Sun in harmony-seeking diplomatic Libra is opposed to the independent Aries Moon.

A full moon highlights a polarity:

This Full Moon illuminates the tension between self and other. The dynamic struggle and high art of meeting in the middle, relating, and cooperating. The striving for peace, union, and beauty. This lunation is about the energies of Aries and Libra.

The individual is as important as the whole. The sum is equal to its parts. The Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries urge each person to find harmony between individuality and collaboration.

Aries: Warrior, Leader, Trailblazer

Aries is a torch carrier. Engages senses with passion.

Confident with big undertakings. Connected to desire.

Radicalisation of our individuated self often calls for breaking from the status quo, especially in terms of relationship patterns that mask our personal truth and keep us complacent.

Aries Healthy becomes a self sustainer, a trailblazer with no need for validation. In Aries, this Full Moon inspires our independence and an imperviousness to defeat. It rallies our courage and inspires us to go our own way and not compromise our true calling.

Aries Shadow is symbolized by the Ram, which is highly appropriate — this sign is headstrong and impulsive, and won’t often back down from a challenge or confrontation. While confrontations can be exciting, they can also lead to a frustrating locking of horns with an imagined foe; and that, in a nutshell, explains a significant part of the Aries experience. 

Full Moons usually bring a culmination of energy, but this one being in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, also carries with it the energy of new beginnings.

Welcome Libra:

Aries Moon in alignment with the Libra Sun is our inspiration to welcome what is out of balance and transform it – whether it’s planetary, personal or within our relationships.

Libra – Great Harmonics, Beauty, Balance, Diplomacy, Equilibrium, 

Libra - Social , True friendships, Resonance of love and nourishment. 

Energetic of being deeply seen, Reciprocity.

Aries-Libra Axis:

The Aries-Libra axis is the first and perhaps most obvious of the polarities. The basic nature of the axis concerns the self and its projection out into the world, and the adjustments that are made in facing and relating to other people. How do I define or identify with self and how can I be in relationships allowing my identity to merge with another. This could also be called the Me -We axis of balancing your desire for freedom, independence, and self-assertion (Me) with being in relationship with others (We). How can the Me strengthen the We, and how can the We strengthen the Me.

We will connect to our needs and our commitment to fulfil our needs (Aries energy). We will also reflect on how we relate to others, whether we need healthier boundaries or to deepen connection to ourselves and others (Libra energy).

With the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries we are reminded to find harmony between individuality and collaboration. So, Action is being called for… with mindfulness. 

If we integrate Libra season's balance with Aries' tenacity and optimism we can sail through this transit. 

So Below:

The Wheel of the Year symbolises the continuous turning of time and mirrors the cycles of birth, death and rebirth in nature. As we transition between seasons, we are called to align with the rhythms and seasons of the wild world. Just as everything in Nature is continuously giving and receiving, we too can embody polarity in our psyche and in our soul. This is an invitation to dance and play with opposing forces, above and below, within and without.
We have just crossed the threshold into Autumn Equinox - what are we harvesting from the seeds planted in Spring?

Samhain is when we descend into the darkness and release what no longer serves...

☾✩☽ Moon Medicine Rituals ☾✩☽

  • Create an altar. Create a sacred space in your home - see our guide in aftercare.

  • Connect with the Moon. Whether or not you subscribe to astrology, the moon is always in the sky, and attuning yourself to the moon's cycle can guide self-care. 

    • New moon: At the beginning of the lunar month, the moon is a new moon. Metaphorically, it's a time to plant the new seeds of goals, intentions, and actions.

    • Waxing phase: Her growth from new moon to full moon is the waxing phase. This the Warrior Phase—where we gain momentum in our actions. 

    • Waning phase: The Sage Phase happens as she wanes from full, —where we gradually power down, restore ourselves, and integrate lessons learned.

    • Dark moon: The last few days before the new moon is called the dark moon. Here's when we retreat to our proverbial caves to rest and reflect, preparing for a new cycle ahead


  • Cleanse. Sage your Home, Bedroom, Chariot & Office. Energetically cleanse the energetic wombs of your life, where you find yourself “creating”. 

  • Observe. Select a journal, and record your dreams, thoughts, insights, experiences and observations.

  • Collect items: pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, herbs, symbols to represent Luna: mirror, mother, water, seashells, etc. 

  • Have Patience. Have patience with yourself and the journey you’re embarking. Allow yourself the emotional space to process, release, learn, develop and heal.

  • Lavender Oil. Have lavender in your home, bed or altar. Lavender can bring stillness, and calm an overactive mind. 

  • I Feel. Acknowledge your emotions and journal with what emerges.

  • Breathe Deeply. The pull of The Moon can bring up strong sensations and emotions – and sometimes this is uncomfortable. However it’s a prime opportunity to feel more and allow the emotion to unfurl. A very practical and grounded way to do so is to focus on the breath and breathe a little deeper than you would normally. Place your hands on your Womb and Heart and take a few deep breaths and feel.

  • Go For A Moon Walk. Walking in the lunar light in nature can be particularly magical.Watch how the trees move and interact; with The Moon, the wind, with you, and listen, really listen in to the sounds of nature. Moon Bathing can be a truly magical and intimate experience.

  • Take A Long Luxurious Bath. The Moon affects the tides, the Oceans, the water in our body.

    To get in touch with this aspect of nature within and around us – take a long bath.Add in Epson Salts, your favourite essential oil, play some soothing music, light candles and relax.

  • Tending to your Temple: BodyLiving consciously starts with taking care of your body; the temple that houses you, here on this planet. So, scan yourself from head to toe. How does your body feel? Give yourself all the O2 and H2O your body needs.. Your body will thank you for that.

  • Ground, Ground, and Ground

    The magnetic pull of The Moon is strong so Grounding is super important. If you do nothing else at The Full Moon – ground. It’s especially helpful just before bed as being rooted in the body aids a better sleep.

Beannachtaí 💚

from Kathy and all at The Trailblazery xo

Kat Scott