☾✩☽ February 2024 MML Intel ☾✩☽

☾✩☽ Guest Luminaries ☾✩☽

Farah Nabulsi is a Palestinian British filmmaker and human rights advocate. She writes, directs and produces creative short films on Palestinian life under occupation. Her work has been screened internationally at film festivals, universities and at the United Nations. Her 2020 film, The Present, underscores the importance of freedom of movement as a basic human right. Farah uses the power of storytelling to share the Palestinian experience with Western audiences. She created Native Liberty, a non-profit production company, through which she produces short films that help others understand and feel what Palestinians experience. She created a digital resource to deconstruct the occupation in a way never done before. Farah has spoken and screened her work internationally at film festivals, universities and at the United Nations. Her novel approach has been endorsed by Noam Chomsky, Hanan Ashrawi, John Pilger, Ken Loach and others.

Caoimhe Butterly is an educator, psycho-social worker, human rights activist, documentary-maker and therapist. She has worked with refugee, displaced and undocumented communities for over 20 years in Lebanon, Palestine, Haiti, Guatemala, Mexico, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine and in refugee camps in Lesvos, Greece, Calais & elsewhere. She lived in Gaza during other onslaughts, working with Palestinian ambulance crews as a volunteer First Responder. She is currently working on trauma-informed MHPSS & Care for the Carers for sea Search & Rescue teams and those working to support Palestinian families and communities. Caoimhe is also parent to 12-year old Tadhg.

 ☾✩☽  Astrological Resources ☾✩☽

Here is a selection of some of our favourite Astrologers you can tune into across 2023.

↠ Blue Rose School https://www.andrewsmith.ie/introduction/

↠ Mystic Mamma https://www.mysticmamma.com/astral-insights/

↠ Chani Nicholas https://chaninicholas.com/about-chani-nicholas/

↠ Virginia Rosenberg https://virginiarosenberg.com/about-virginia

↠ Lorna Bevan https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk/lorna-bevan

↠ Paramatma Siri Sadhana https://spaceweathertransmissions.com/paramatma

Matthew Stelzner https://www.youtube.com/channel/

↠ Jennifer Racioppi https://jenniferracioppi.com/  

☾✩☽ Other Recommended Resources ☾✩☽

↠ Farah’s website here

↠ Farah’s IG here

↠ Caoimhe’s IG here

↠ Roisin’s IG here

↠ A beautiful caoineadh shared by the wonderful Finola Ó Siochrú

↠ The recording of last night’s chat is available here

☾✩☽ Cosmic Intel + Teachings ☾✩☽

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, the one who knows seeks self-knowledge, to know oneself, both light and shadows.  Our Christian era has re-defined Virgin to only mean its physical sexual aspect; in ancient times, a virgin was a woman who belonged to no man, who was a woman in her own right.  She belonged to herself! On this Virgo Full Moon night, we can see who we’re meant to be if we’re willing to acknowledge who we really are.”

Mystic Mamma

Full Moons illuminate. They illuminate so that we can see the wholeness of ourselves and our lives.

This Full Moon in Virgo is the last full moon of the astrological year, just before spring arrives. 

Virgo is an analytic sign and represents the refinement of details, structure and well thought organising principles. This earth sign shouts a wake-up call for living consciously and in harmony with planet earth.

The Full Moon in Virgo on the Pisces axis calls us to ground our roots deep into Mother Earth to anchor ourselves through the emotional seas that have been surging. The more we open up, the more we feel, and the more attuned we become to the suffering of others and our dear planet Earth. 

Pisces is a sign of the Shaman, bridging worlds between the seen and unseen; 

Virgo is the priestess, her body a channel for Spirit to enter the physical world. 

About Virgo:

Virgo is the healer within, reminding us to embody our Spirit so we can bring about forth real change in our lives for the benefit of all. Her medicine is love in service, and her practical magic helps us streamline our directive so we can focus on how best to be in service of our collective healing.

Virgo is not the patriarchal narrative of a ‘chaste’ maiden, but the Priestess. The woman who is whole unto herself. Needing nothing, tending nothing, but herself and her relationship with spirit. 

This Moon holds the medicine of the sacred and the profane. 

The intertwining of the two create communion, a spiritual exchange. 

Virgo is the understanding that the most ordinary things are holy. That the mundane contains the spark of the Divine.


With Full Moons, we are working with a Sun/Moon opposition. Oppositions mean duality, opposing values, habits, perspectives, and needs. Oppositions help us recognize the delicate balance that's needed in our lives and in our relationships in particular. They show us where we are lacking as well as what our strengths are. 

The sun in astrology acts like a spotlight, roaming through the terrain of each zodiacal sign. The monthly full moon acts like a counter or balancing light. The full moon offers this balance by occupying the opposite sign to that of the sun. In this case the sun is in Pisces and the full moon will be in Virgo.

The moon comes into polarity with the sun in Pisces today, forming the Virgo full moon. This is the culmination and peak of the lunar season, when the moon’s magnetism illuminates the sign of nature, healing, order, and analysis. 

These two achieve balance when they can pull from the creative inspiration that Pisces offer, and allow it to be moulded and made manifest by the focus and organization that Virgo delivers.

☾✩☽ Moon Medicine Rituals ☾✩☽

  • Create an altar. Create a sacred space in your home - see our guide in aftercare.

  • Connect with the Moon. Whether or not you subscribe to astrology, the moon is always in the sky, and attuning yourself to the moon's cycle can guide self-care. 

    • New moon: At the beginning of the lunar month, the moon is a new moon. Metaphorically, it's a time to plant the new seeds of goals, intentions, and actions.

    • Waxing phase: Her growth from new moon to full moon is the waxing phase. This the Warrior Phase—where we gain momentum in our actions. 

    • Waning phase: The Sage Phase happens as she wanes from full, —where we gradually power down, restore ourselves, and integrate lessons learned.

    • Dark moon: The last few days before the new moon is called the dark moon. Here's when we retreat to our proverbial caves to rest and reflect, preparing for a new cycle ahead


  • Cleanse. Sage your Home, Bedroom, Chariot & Office. Energetically cleanse the energetic wombs of your life, where you find yourself “creating”. 

  • Observe. Select a journal, and record your dreams, thoughts, insights, experiences and observations.

  • Collect items: pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, herbs, symbols to represent Luna: mirror, mother, water, seashells, etc. 

  • Have Patience. Have patience with yourself and the journey you’re embarking. Allow yourself the emotional space to process, release, learn, develop and heal.

  • Lavender Oil. Have lavender in your home, bed or altar. Lavender can bring stillness, and calm an overactive mind. 

  • I Feel. Acknowledge your emotions and journal with what emerges.

  • Breathe Deeply. The pull of The Moon can bring up strong sensations and emotions – and sometimes this is uncomfortable. However it’s a prime opportunity to feel more and allow the emotion to unfurl. A very practical and grounded way to do so is to focus on the breath and breathe a little deeper than you would normally. Place your hands on your Womb and Heart and take a few deep breaths and feel.

  • Go For A Moon Walk. Walking in the lunar light in nature can be particularly magical.Watch how the trees move and interact; with The Moon, the wind, with you, and listen, really listen in to the sounds of nature. Moon Bathing can be a truly magical and intimate experience.

  • Take A Long Luxurious Bath. The Moon affects the tides, the Oceans, the water in our body.

    To get in touch with this aspect of nature within and around us – take a long bath.Add in Epson Salts, your favourite essential oil, play some soothing music, light candles and relax.

  • Tending to your Temple: BodyLiving consciously starts with taking care of your body; the temple that houses you, here on this planet. So, scan yourself from head to toe. How does your body feel? Give yourself all the O2 and H2O your body needs.. Your body will thank you for that.

  • Ground, Ground, and Ground

    The magnetic pull of The Moon is strong so Grounding is super important. If you do nothing else at The Full Moon – ground. It’s especially helpful just before bed as being rooted in the body aids a better sleep.

Beannachtaí 💚

from Kathy and all at The Trailblazery xo

Kat Scott