☾✩☽ April Pink Full Moon Intel ☾✩☽

☾✩☽ Guest Luminaries ☾✩☽

You can find out about our guest luminaries here:  

About Woven Kin:

Based out of Co. Kerry, Ireland and New Hampshire, USA, Ash and Siobhán come together for the harmony-centered melodies of Woven Kin. Their songs are dreamscapes and journeys, tradition and new ground. Woven Kin weave a world of harmonic dreamscapes and ethereal journeys, that encompass both the folk tradition and new ground. Their debut album ‘Hibernate’ was largely created during the surreal months of 2020, a year of hibernation and solitude for many. It brings together lilting harmonies with delicately woven dreamscapes.


About Siobhan Moore (aka Ajeet)

Siobhán Moore is a multi-instrumentalist, music producer and songwriter from the mountains of New Hampshire, USA. With a degree in Holistic Psychology and as a yoga teacher, she is interested in music as a source of healing and connection. She is widely known as the world music artist “Ajeet”, weaving together her background in Irish folk with the mystical and meditative soundscapes of traditional instrumentation from around the world woven into electronic hypnotic textures. She is also a member of the duo “Woven Kin” with Co. Kerry harpist Aisling Urwin, featuring close harmonies and Irish instrumentation. Siobhán’s music has been featured multiple times at #1 on the iTunes World Music Chart and Billboard Top 10 New Age Chart. Some of her collaborators include Trevor Hall, Woven Kin, Rising Appalachia, Snatam Kaur, Seamus Egan and Peia.

About Aisling Urwin

Aisling Urwin is a harper-songwriter-teacher from Kenmare in South Kerry. With a background in Irish Traditional Music, Aisling strives to paint the harp in new colours, challenging traditional views in an effort to stretch people's preconceptions of what the harp should sound like, taking it into new sonic spaces.

Since completing a degree in Music in UCC in 2015, Aisling has been working within the world of music, holding Music & Meditation events, teaching Irish Trad and contemporary harp to a new generation of harpers and touring with multiple groups within the Trad, World Music and Folk realms. Aisling’s deepest love is in composing, songwriting and the creative process as well as in an ever-flowing exploration of the harp and a delving into all this magic instrument has to offer.

☾✩☽ Cosmic Intel + Teachings ☾✩☽

bombshell moon. shake and quake moon. moon of shock and awe. naked moon. unshackling moon. moon of the raw and rare. volcanic moon. eruptive moon. moon of the erotic enigmatic. magnet moon. surprise moon. moon to break and wake. unusual moon. unbound moon. moon of soil-ensouled. inside out moon. tables turned moon. moon of creative chaos. paranormal moon. amazement moon. moon of inalienable intelligence. moon to generate. moon to ripen and build alternative worlds.

Virginia Rosenberg

Full moons are a time to look at everything in full light and make changes as needed. They can represent endings, completions or something coming to a ‘peak moment,’ The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. The energy of a situation is at its fullest potency and potential. We fluctuate with the moons energy and the Full Moon is time of release. La Luna affects the gravitational pull of tides, birth rates, can regulate menstrual cycle, sleep, moods, plant growth, Emergency Room, Crime Rates. Every 29.5 days the Moon reaches its full phase and so do we…..

The Moon in astrology is associated with the feminine and in particular the Mother archetype. She rules the emotional body connecting us to our instinctive wisdom and our most basic needs. She helps protect and guide us by gifting us with information about our feelings and about the wellbeing of our nature. She enables us to penetrate our deepest recesses in the personal and collective unconscious and our roots in the past, our ancestral inheritance.

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We are in a time of collective and personal awakening to what has been in the shadows, oppressive and imbalanced across our implemented systems as well as our personal realities. The process of awakening can be painful, because new realities precipitate trajectory shifts. In the process of things dismantling, disassembling, and crumbling, we can feel unstable and this is why change is often so dreaded. But we are the change makers of this time, and we are here at this time for a reason. We each carry our own truth, but a universal truth is that we’re all here ultimately to learn to love and be loved.

As Above: Astrology and the Celestial Realms

Every 29.5 days the moon reaches its peak illumination, lighting our sky with its nurturing rays. Astronomically, this happens when the moon and the sun are exactly opposite of one another and the near side of the sun’s light is fully reflected on the moon’s surface.

Full moons occur when the moon and sun are opposing each other in the sky, shining a light and illuminating areas in your life which may require evaluation or change. Astrologically speaking a Full Moon at its core is an attempt to balance two opposing forces.They are a time for releasing what is no longer working, signifying the culmination and completion of what was started at the time of the new moonThe Full Moon, by definition, has the quality of revealing what has been kept in the dark. Some keywords associated with the Full Moon are illumination, clarity, culmination, and manifestation.

It’s significant, potent and full of mystery — a time when the veils are thin and ancient wisdom is remembered. It’s a chance to really see, into the unseen and into the depths of truth, in a way we have never been able to before.

Axis of Opposition – dancing with the opposites

Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis. Thesis = the beginning position, Antithesis = a negation of the thesis and Synthesis = the two conflicting ideas that are reconciled to form a new proposition. In astrology, we have 12 signs distributed in 6 axes. As with any Full Moon, we work on both sides of the axis. On the one hand, we have our values – those things we care for, no matter what. On the other hand, the Full Moon comes to illuminate a higher truth, and puts things into perspective.

Full Moons always highlight the polarities of our inner and outer worlds. They display where we are at odds. When the creative force is at odds with itself and its other, the soul’s is preparing for a growth spurt. The poultice. The polarities create a new pathway. The Scorpio Full Moon is known as one of the most potent full moons of the year.  This moon is also a supermoon, A supermoon means it appears slightly larger in view. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, Native Americans referred to the full moon in May as the "flower moon" for somewhat obvious reasons, because this is the month when everything comes into full bloom! 

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With Full Moons, we are working with a Sun/Moon opposition. Oppositions mean duality, opposing values, habits, perspectives, and needs. Oppositions help us recognize the delicate balance that's needed in our lives and in our relationships in particular. They show us where we are lacking as well as what our strengths are. The sun in astrology acts like a spotlight, roaming through the terrain of each zodiacal sign. The monthly full moon acts like a counter or balancing light.

We are in Taurus Season – earthly pleasures, sensuality

Nectar is risen, filling the air with thick sweet seductive scents. Sensuous flowers are blooming and bursting with color. Fresh green leaves are popping out to decorate the trees. It’s all very tantalizing. Our senses are alive.  We can see what is here all around us. The Sun is in Taurus, sign of sensuous life and the land. The Moon is in Scorpio, sign of mystery, alchemy, and the invisible. Transformation and metamorphosis. Alchemising poison into medicine. During the Full Moon, we catch greater glimpse and have access to both of these realms.

Full Moon’s are about illuminating the unconscious, that which is unseen.  A realm that is familiar to dear Scorpio. Full Moons also highlight polarities; and in this case, the polarity between grounded Taurus and magnetic Scorpio. The Full Moon in Scorpio is unearthing challenging feelings, life circumstances, and losses for us to confront. Scorpio lives on the more intense side of life, helping us shed old skin, with the promise that we will eventually benefit from the healthy glow of its exfoliation process. 

With the focus on these two natural oppositions, the themes we are working through are:

· love vs obsession

· sensual femininity vs intimate sexuality

· groundedness vs the unknown

· beauty vs Wickedness

· in view and undercover

· secutiry v transformation

This is a good full moon for creative pursuits like literature, poetry, drama, singing, art, design, and fashion. It is also good for relaxation, movies, yoga, astrology, tarot, lucid dreaming, and meditation

About Scorpio

Now with the Scorpio Full Moon here in full force, we get to rediscover a new layer of transformation that will hopefully lead us to a stronger experience of personal empowerment.Scorpio's often have a bad rep. Most people know the negative tendencies – Dark, Mysterious, Secretive, Cunning, Jealous, Possessive, Seductive, Vengeful, Distant, Cold etc. Of course they have our positive qualities too.Scorpio demands the highest level of integrity and sniffs out all that is not serving the higher good of all. Even when it feels like the rug is being pulled out from under us. There is a gift in the lesson of realizing that we are evolving and transforming.Little do people know, Scorpio is actually the ONLY sign in the Zodiac that has another form! It is the Eagle, sometimes the Phoenix.

The Eagle/Phoenix is a higher expression of Scorpio power.

One who transcends from the crawling scorpion to the soaring Eagle, still predatory and carrying with them the essence of penetration and patience, is now capable of flight. The Eagle represents clear vision, intelligence, power, majesty, and Freedom.To the Ancient Egyptians, the Scorpion (& Beetles) represented initiation into the Sacred Mysteries. They honored the Scorpion, as a dweller of the underworld, to be spiritually linked to the process of death, rebirth, and resurrection (similar to the Phoenix). At the first level of Scorpio energy, symbolized by the scorpion, the raw energy is thrust forth for protection, as retaliation from infringement. The scorpion “sting” is penetrating and deliberate. Sometimes, Scorpio is not conscious of its own power and the impact of its “stings.” When Scorpio's learn to control their stinger, transmuting their negative qualities into virtues, they then begin to blossom into the next form. The blossoming Scorpio represents the energy of survival that transforms itself anew, as symbolized by the Eagle / Phoenix of mythology, which emerges from the flames of transmutation.We need to be relentlessly kind to the parts of ourselves that fear being abandoned, betrayed, or forgotten when we are isolated, unsure, and unable to find a new normal. Scorpio pulls back the layers of an issue, sometimes exposing bones that are best left covered with flesh, skin, and clothing.

Channel the phoenix and rise, baby.

 Scorpio rules power, control, and transformation—it's the mythic phoenix that rises from the ashes of destruction. What in your life needs to symbolically "die" so that something new can be born? Let it go—or at least, release your grip—and allow the Scorpio full moon to transmute it. But remember that sometimes, the only way out is through. Scorpio has four phases of evolution, and under this full moon, you could find yourself going low before you go high.

So Below

In the Celtic Wheel of the year we are moving from Spring Equinox ( New Beginnings) to Bealtaine ( Blossoming). Think about your lifer and the areas where you are ready to blossom, bloom and open.

Celtic Tree Astrology

Back in the day, trees had a special place in Celtic culture. Almost all of the trees found in the Celtic countries were revered and people believed that these gentle giants had special powers. These sacred Celtic trees served as an abode of fairies and spirits.

Everything revolves around these sacred trees. The Celtic year consists of thirteen lunar months, representing the cycles of the moon. And each lunar month was linked to one of the sacred Celtic trees. From there, the druids derived a Shamanic alphabet, known as the Ogham. Celtic druids also noticed that, when a child is born in a certain month of their “tree calendar”, it would develop certain qualities. Each tree sign has  Ogham letter symbol.

According to the Celtic horoscope, people born under the sign of Taurus / Willow hold many aspects of the lunar realm. They tend to be highly creative and intuitive and often possess higher IQ. Willow signs understand cycles and know very well that everything that happens in your life can teach you a lesson. This Celtic tree astrology sign is patient and down to earth. Ivy and Birch signs can be a good match for the Willow sign

☾✩☽  Astrological Resources ☾✩☽

Here is a selection of some of our favourite Astrologers you can tune into across 2021.

↠ Blue Rose School https://www.andrewsmith.ie/introduction/

↠ Mystic Mamma https://www.mysticmamma.com/astral-insights/

↠ Chani Nicholas https://chaninicholas.com/about-chani-nicholas/

↠ Virginia Rosenberg https://virginiarosenberg.com/about-virginia

↠ Lorna Bevan https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk/lorna-bevan

↠ Paramatma Siri Sadhana https://spaceweathertransmissions.com/paramatma

Matthew Stelzner https://www.youtube.com/channel/

↠ Jennifer Racioppi https://jenniferracioppi.com/  

Other recommended resources

Reading :

Celtic Astrology by Phyllis Vega

Celtic Rituals: An authentic guide to ancient Celtic Spirituality by Alexi Kondratiev

The Salmon and the Spring by Jason Kirkey

Women Who Run with the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Ever Ancient Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century by Whelan, Dolores

Research Links: 

Collective Trauma Summit

The Red School

The Science of Grounding

The Embodiment Podcast

Kimberly Johnson

Embodied Brain

5 Rhythms Global

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☾✩☽ Moon Medicine Rituals ☾✩☽

  • Create an altar. Create a sacred space in your home - see our guide in aftercare.

  • Connect with the Moon. Whether or not you subscribe to astrology, the moon is always in the sky, and attuning yourself to the moon's cycle can guide self-care. 

    • New moon: At the beginning of the lunar month, the moon is a new moon. Metaphorically, it's a time to plant the new seeds of goals, intentions, and actions.

    • Waxing phase: Her growth from new moon to full moon is the waxing phase. This the Warrior Phase—where we gain momentum in our actions. 

    • Waning phase: The Sage Phase happens as she wanes from full, —where we gradually power down, restore ourselves, and integrate lessons learned.

    • Dark moon: The last few days before the new moon is called the dark moon. Here's when we retreat to our proverbial caves to rest and reflect, preparing for a new cycle ahead


  • Cleanse. Sage your Home, Bedroom, Chariot & Office. Energetically cleanse the energetic wombs of your life, where you find yourself “creating”. 

  • Observe. Select a journal, and record your dreams, thoughts, insights, experiences and observations.

  • Collect items: pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, herbs, symbols to represent Luna: mirror, mother, water, seashells, etc. 

  • Have Patience. Have patience with yourself and the journey you’re embarking. Allow yourself the emotional space to process, release, learn, develop and heal.

  • Lavender Oil. Have lavender in your home, bed or altar. Lavender can bring stillness, and calm an overactive mind. 

  • I Feel. Acknowledge your emotions and journal with what emerges.

  • Breathe Deeply. The pull of The Moon can bring up strong sensations and emotions – and sometimes this is uncomfortable. However it’s a prime opportunity to feel more and allow the emotion to unfurl. A very practical and grounded way to do so is to focus on the breath and breathe a little deeper than you would normally. Place your hands on your Womb and Heart and take a few deep breaths and feel.

  • Go For A Moon Walk. Walking in the lunar light in nature can be particularly magical.Watch how the trees move and interact; with The Moon, the wind, with you, and listen, really listen in to the sounds of nature. Moon Bathing can be a truly magical and intimate experience.

  • Take A Loooong Luxurious Bath. The Moon affects the tides, the Oceans, the water in our body.

    To get in touch with this aspect of nature within and around us – take a long bath.Add in Epson Salts, your favourite essential oil, play some soothing music, light candles and relax.

  • Tending to your Temple: BodyLiving consciously starts with taking care of your body; the temple that houses you, here on this planet. So, scan yourself from head to toe. How does your body feel? Give yourself all the O2 and H2O your body needs.. Your body will thank you for that.

  • Ground, Ground, and Ground

    The magnetic pull of The Moon is strong so Grounding is super important. If you do nothing else at The Full Moon – ground. It’s especially helpful just before bed as being rooted in the body aids a better sleep.

with heart


from Kathy and all at The Trailblazery xo

Kat Scott